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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Starting The Science Fiction Portal

Now that I've finished the Fantasy Fiction portal on, it's time to start the science fiction portal. The first page is already posted on the website.

Science fiction poses greater challenges than either the horror or fantasy portals did. This is primarily because scifi is so vast and ever-changing. I can only hope I can capture a good grasp of what this exciting fiction genre really means. For now, I think I'm going to take this portal in a different direction than either of the previous portals. I plan to write several articles about science fiction genres and works of fiction, rather than focusing on the scifi creatures like I did with horror and fantasy.

Another update to the website that I've added was to post one of my short stories. I've added my story Bunt which is probably one of the best short stories I've ever written. This story highlights the trials Alzheimer's brings upon families. I decided to include some of my artwork for the story as well that I originally intended for the audiobook advertisement. The artwork was created using Gimp free software.

I'm happy to say the website has been getting increased hits of late. Even though these hits haven't translated to higher Google page rank, it is exciting to know so many people are visiting my website. This motivates me to keep adding more things and to continue expanding the available options.

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